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Pressing the pause button

UnknownAccording to my last post, I haven’t been here since April.  What happens when you’re too busy living to blog?  You leave a lot of gaps – a lot of white space and unwritten words, here.  Meanwhile, there is writing and editing, elsewhere.  There are workshops and modules being written and taught, there are dissertations being supervised and marked. There are lightbulbs going off in heads, both yours and your students.  There are dog walks and people walks and time in the woods.  There is sun – an awful lot of sun, here in Britain.  There is travel, camping trips and swims in the sea, morning pages and cups of tea.  Having been editing much of the summer, I have pressed the “send” button; now I wait for feedback, in this pause, taking time out to read and dream, sort and order, plan my next steps.  Soon, there will be new writing.  Soon, I’ll be staring down the start of a new academic year.  Soon, I’ll be teaching a lot, and that takes time and attention, both of which I’m very glad to give – but right now I’m pausing.  Right now, I’m in the gap between letters, the space between words.  I’m pulling weeds and rearranging the furniture and trying to look at things from new angles.  Soon, I’ll see you back here with new workshops & new ideas – and maybe some news.